An Inspector Calls – Theatre Royal, Nottingham

An Inspector Calls – Theatre Royal, Nottingham

Three lucky members (lucky from the fact that they were the right age and height!) had the opportunity to perform on the stage of the Theatre Royal in Nottingham in this touring professional production. Tyen played the younger boy and opened the play by running down the side of the audience on to the stage and shining a torch into the audience. Evie and Vinny joined him as they portrayed three children from a 1912 impoverished background playing on the cobbled streets in the dirt and the rain. Yes, they were soaked at the very beginning of the play by the rain coming from the roof of the stage. 


Their mimed actions included kicking an old fashioned radio, having a tussle with a coat, the older boy bullying the younger one, balancing on log and staring up at the ‘posh’ house on stilts. They remembered everything and Tyen at age 8, had to act with the Inspector, receiving an orange, looking after his hat, acting our instructions given to him on stage and looking directly at him on many occasions. All three were so disciplined and focused in what they were doing and the Company manager commented on how good they had been. They were a credit to us all and there will be similar opportunities for others in the future.