Flying High Summer Showcase 2024 – Saturday 13th July

Flying High Summer Showcase 2024 – Saturday 13th July

This is the time of year that we celebrate all the work created by all the groups in Flying High from age 5 to 18. We will have a range of pieces for you to watch and your children, young people and older people will share what they love and do so well – perform. It will take place at the Bonington Theatre twice on Saturday 13thJuly. The same show will first shown at 2.00pm and then repeated again at 6.30pm with mainly the younger performers in the first half and the older ones (due to some more mature content) in the second half. The performers will be encouraged to leave between shows for a break, tea, nap etc and then return for the evening. The really young ones will perform at around 6.30 – 6.45 and will be able to leave if they wish to.

There will be technical rehearsals for all the groups in the morning of Saturday 13th July. These will be 30 – 45 minute slots that will start with the youngest group at 9.00am and continue until the start of the first showcase at 2.00pm. These technical rehearsals give members of the groups the opportunity to work in the theatre space, see backstage and have a chance to see how the lighting and sound affects their performances. We really hope that all our performers will be able to attend these tech rehearsals and a schedule will be distributed very soon.

Tickets will be on sale from 3rd June from the Bonington Theatre Box office and online. We will email further details very soon.