Dates For Your Diary 2024

Dates For Your Diary 2024

Saturday 25th May 2024
Workshops end for half term

Monday 3rd June 2024
Workshops begin 

Saturday 15th June 2024
Gedling’s Got Talent final at the Bonington Theatre, 7pm

W/C Monday 17th June 2024
Pondhills Lane Community Centre will be closed all week so Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday groups will be rescheduled.

Saturday 22nd June 2024
Arnold Summer Fair, Arnot Hill Park – we will have a stall so please come and find us.

Saturday 13th July 2024
Flying High Showcase at the Bonington Theatre for all groups

Monday 22nd July 2024
Workshops end for the Summer

Thursday 1st – Sunday 11th August 2024
Young Company performing The Wizard of Oz in Edinburgh

Tuesday 13th – Friday 16th August 2024
4 day Summer Camp at Pondhills Lane Community Centre 

Saturday 31st August 2024
Flying High 25th Anniversary celebration at the Bonington Theatre

Monday 2nd September 2024
The new academic year begins and you will need to sign up for the groups well before this date – details will be given out. 

Sunday 8th December 2024
Christmas Showcase at the The Good Shepherd Church hall in the afternoon.

Sunday 22nd – Monday 23rd December 2024
The Wizard of Oz at the Bonington Theatre