Flying High Annual Showcase at the Bonington Theatre – Saturday 13th July

Flying High Annual Showcase at the Bonington Theatre – Saturday 13th July

Our annual showcase at the Bonington Theatre was such a joy to see. This year we had the energy and enthusiasm of our newly formed singing group singing songs from musical theatre and contemporary artists. We had some creatively devised drama pieces around the ideas of zombies taking over, how the teenage brain functions, a murder mystery from Cluedo and what the world might be like under the watchful eye of Big Brother.  

Our dancers made us all wish that we could disappear early from school to a chilled holiday in the sun as well as remind us of the ‘darkness’ young people sometimes face and did face particularly during ‘Lockdown’. We also loved the storytelling of our young, inspirational actors with their versions of The Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan and our brave and confident Lamda students sharing one of their exam pieces and their developing acting skills.

Thank you for supporting our showcase this year and the Young Company’s tombola with generous donations of gifts and buying tickets. The money raised will help pay for the food up in Edinburgh as well as seeing some shows and the all-important hoodies to promote the show.

Next year’s Showcase is already booked for Saturday 12th July 2025 so please keep this day free if you possibly can.