Community Projects

Community Projects

2024 is the year where we are really making efforts to develop more projects for the local community in new ventures for which we have applied for funding to make them work. In January we started a once-a-month Workshop/Lunch/Film project for adults on a Tuesday in partnership with the Bonington Theatre. Tickets are sold through the Bonington Theatre website and include a workshop using discussion, improvisation (for those brave enough) and sharing understanding of the themes, character, acting styles, contexts etc, lunch together and watching the film on which the workshop has been based. We have now completed 5 events and each one has been sold out well before the date of the event with some extra tickets having to be made available. It is definitely a popular event and we hope to continue this for the rest of the year.

We have also received some funding for a heritage project to celebrate 50 years of Gedling Borough Council on Saturday 22nd June at the Arnold Summer Fair in Arnot Hill Park. A small group of adults from the local community have worked together through a series of workshops to develop some short pieces of theatre to be performed at the summer fair. We are focusing on stories from Gedling Borough from the past and include ghost stories – the White Lady at Newstead Abbey, the ghosts of the Admiral Rodney in Calverton and events such as the closing of the local pits after the Miners’ Strike of 1984 which changed the landscape and communities of so many areas of the borough.

We hope to develop more projects during the day for adults and potentially a cross generational project where parents, grandparents and children can perform together alongside each other. Â